Getting an Appointment with Carolina Oncology Specialists
An appointment with one of our physicians is normally initiated by a referral from your family physician or surgeon. Upon referral, that physician will provide your recent medical work up and will forward your medical records describing your condition. You will be contacted with the appointment time by a member of Carolina Oncology’s staff or possibly by someone from the referring physician’s office. If you are new to the area and you have a history of cancer or a blood disorder, you may present your medical records to us and request an appointment with one of our physicians. A member of the clinical staff will do a thorough review of your medical records, validating the need for the appointment. Someone will then contact you, by whatever means you have provided, to schedule an appointment for you with one of our physicians.
What to Bring to Your Appointment
Please bring all medications you are currently taking along with valid insurance cards, Medicare and/or Medicaid cards, and any other pertinent insurance information on the day of your visit. We ask that you come thirty (30) minutes before your scheduled appointment allowing us time to accurately collect and enter your demographic information into our system prior to you seeing the physician.
Required Information
Forms may be mailed to you prior to your visit which need to be filled out and presented upon check in. (The forms are also printable from our website.) A current mailing address and other contact information are required so that we may always be assured of reaching you whenever necessary. For protection and privacy of your medical information, we ask you be able to provide names and phone numbers of those with whom we may speak with or contact concerning your medical information or appointments.